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EWABELT General Assembly
September 24, 2024

XXVI Euromediterranean Conference on Cinema
September 6, 2024

International π Day - 14 March 2024
Every 3.14, mathematics and culture enthusiasts around the world celebrate πDay, dedicated to the
mathematical constant π. Known as the golden constant of harmonic proportions in the real world, could π
also influence and harmonize AI algorithms in virtual reality created by AI?
On the occasion of this celebration, in conjunction with the numerous educational and cultural events
scheduled throughout the territory, OCCAM, the Observatory for Digital Communication, UN-affiliated, organized a roundtable
mathematical constant π. Known as the golden constant of harmonic proportions in the real world, could π
also influence and harmonize AI algorithms in virtual reality created by AI?
On the occasion of this celebration, in conjunction with the numerous educational and cultural events
scheduled throughout the territory, OCCAM, the Observatory for Digital Communication, UN-affiliated, organized a roundtable

XXV Euromediterranean Conference on Cinema - September 8, 2023
With the emergence of innovative platforms dedicated to audio-visual products operating in the cinematographic field and aggregating disparate contents, came relevant transformation in an already accentuated globalisation that effectively eliminates traditional barriers in the film industry itself. This, in turn, opened up new opportunities, making cinema production and distribution wildly available and often part of everyday routine over the globe. In this context, a new dimension, one that tends to include all potential viewers – amounting to 4 billion and on the increase – is no longer confined to the theatre or television and should be carefully evaluated. In order to encourage this development, it is crucial to create new expressions, markets and contents more closely linked to personal digital experiences; these being more authentic, instantaneous and interactive, especially for the younger generations.

XXIV Euromediterranean Conference –
9 September 2022
In line with the principles of UNESCO and the UN that have always directed the thread of the activities promoted by the CICT, the XXIV Euro-Mediterranean Conference and its different speakers wants to verify conditions and prospects of collaboration and active participation between the territories of film communication and those of digital communication to ensure that a creative synthesis can merge the real to the virtual so to inspire the new Digital Society to be more creative and inclusive for all.

DAVOS - Could the Digital Society overcome poverty? (SDG 1)
OCCAM organised the first session of the Conference during the 2020 edition of the World Economic Forum in Davos, focusing on the implementation of SDG 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere. It was underlined how only 2% of the total world population holds the vast majority of the global wealth, and how endemic inequalities lead to three
quarters of the planet to live in absolute poverty. After few weeks, the Coronavirus begins its insane expansion, inducing salvific practices until then used only by “digital natives”, always fully interconnected. The perception is that of a new reality where obsolete structures and governance, socio-economic imbalances and self-referential élites fade, prefiguring an imminent kind of global reset of the current paradigm.
quarters of the planet to live in absolute poverty. After few weeks, the Coronavirus begins its insane expansion, inducing salvific practices until then used only by “digital natives”, always fully interconnected. The perception is that of a new reality where obsolete structures and governance, socio-economic imbalances and self-referential élites fade, prefiguring an imminent kind of global reset of the current paradigm.

Worldwide webinar: “e-Learning and Telemedicine – Relaunch of the UN Millenium Village of Sambaina”
The ICT village of Sambaina was founded in 2006 by OCCAM, following the invitation of the Malgasy Republic, S.E. Marc Ravalomanana, the main purpose was to create a sat-hub and to provide adequate technologies and computers, in order to assure digital services such as e-learning, tele-medicine, and food security assistance
to the community. The school started to operate with more than thousand students, the health care centre operate in maternal care more than hundred women and the community centre is important for the whole inhabitants. In 2007 was proclaimed UN Millennium Village by Jeffrey Sachs, director of the UN Millennium Project and Special Advisor of the Secretary General, Kofi Annan; In 2017, after the political crisis, OCCAM received an appeal for relaunching the project. In 2019, with the help of the ST Foundation and Telma Foundation, important results have been achieved. This step promotes further actions and explained how this model could be replicate successfully in order to empower all the rural villages accelerating the development thanks to the remote assistance and the creation of job for young and women.
Furthermore, this third session was also centred on SDG 11 while considering SDGs 3 (Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages), 4 (Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all), 6 (Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all) and 7 (Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all). During this webinar, speakers such as Dr Hassan Ghazal (Founder and Director Moroccan Society for Telemedicine), Dr Aliye Celik (Chair of the Board, Consortium for Sustainable Urbanization) Mr. Francesco Sicurello (Director of Telemedicine centre) presented their contribution.
to the community. The school started to operate with more than thousand students, the health care centre operate in maternal care more than hundred women and the community centre is important for the whole inhabitants. In 2007 was proclaimed UN Millennium Village by Jeffrey Sachs, director of the UN Millennium Project and Special Advisor of the Secretary General, Kofi Annan; In 2017, after the political crisis, OCCAM received an appeal for relaunching the project. In 2019, with the help of the ST Foundation and Telma Foundation, important results have been achieved. This step promotes further actions and explained how this model could be replicate successfully in order to empower all the rural villages accelerating the development thanks to the remote assistance and the creation of job for young and women.
Furthermore, this third session was also centred on SDG 11 while considering SDGs 3 (Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages), 4 (Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all), 6 (Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all) and 7 (Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all). During this webinar, speakers such as Dr Hassan Ghazal (Founder and Director Moroccan Society for Telemedicine), Dr Aliye Celik (Chair of the Board, Consortium for Sustainable Urbanization) Mr. Francesco Sicurello (Director of Telemedicine centre) presented their contribution.

Worldwide webinar: “Expanded cinema enriching new social cultures for gender equality”
OCCAM has played a pioneering role in the promotion of technologies such as e-learning, telemedicine, food-security and e-commerce, it has implemented it since 2000. As for today, the ever-growing turmoil involving humanity as a whole is revealing the deepest weaknesses of the system as well as highlighting how the digital revolution has created many possibilities to all and
applications disclosing themselves as tools of salvation and construction of the new world. Nothing will be the same as before and the new generations will be called to manage this process, already started successfully in Cinema and Audio-Visual world. These forced experiments aimed at finding solutions that will be consolidated in a new digital anthropology, will involve us all. It will be up to all of us to evolve, abandoning obsolete decision-making systems and socio-political structures that can no longer guarantee the well-being of the people.
The main focus of this fourth step, centred on SDG 5 (Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls), is how Cinema could express these elements, the conversation was enriched by important experts such as Ms Lola Poggi, secretary of CICT- IFCT; Dr Rizwad Ahmad, Director of Instructional Media Centre (MANUU), Vittorio Giacci (Italian film critic), Ms. Jasmina Bojic (UNAFF Founder).
applications disclosing themselves as tools of salvation and construction of the new world. Nothing will be the same as before and the new generations will be called to manage this process, already started successfully in Cinema and Audio-Visual world. These forced experiments aimed at finding solutions that will be consolidated in a new digital anthropology, will involve us all. It will be up to all of us to evolve, abandoning obsolete decision-making systems and socio-political structures that can no longer guarantee the well-being of the people.
The main focus of this fourth step, centred on SDG 5 (Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls), is how Cinema could express these elements, the conversation was enriched by important experts such as Ms Lola Poggi, secretary of CICT- IFCT; Dr Rizwad Ahmad, Director of Instructional Media Centre (MANUU), Vittorio Giacci (Italian film critic), Ms. Jasmina Bojic (UNAFF Founder).

Grand Conversation – 21 June 2021
Diplomats, representatives from governments and International Organizations such as United Nations, African Union, European Parliament, and ILO, foundations, Civil Society with the Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the UN, prestigious universities and think tanks addressed the challenges emerging from the Digital Revolution under a great variety of points of view: from governance to finance, from employment to telemedicine and eLearning, from food security and e-agriculture to new forms of communications and ICTs. A specific focus was dedicated to the implementation of digital technologies for the development of rural communities in the African
continent. New approaches to cooperation, sustainability, accessibility, multilateralism, affordability and awareness emerged as the most relevant keywords for a fairer and more inclusive use of ICTs for development, where the human being – and in particular the younger generations – are at the centre.
In order to enrich the current debate OCCAM held a Grand Conversation to define the Agenda of the XXI Infopoverty World Conference. The event hosted speakers and contributors from all over the world and from a wide range of fields of expertise.
continent. New approaches to cooperation, sustainability, accessibility, multilateralism, affordability and awareness emerged as the most relevant keywords for a fairer and more inclusive use of ICTs for development, where the human being – and in particular the younger generations – are at the centre.
In order to enrich the current debate OCCAM held a Grand Conversation to define the Agenda of the XXI Infopoverty World Conference. The event hosted speakers and contributors from all over the world and from a wide range of fields of expertise.

Independent Dialogue – 19 July 2021
OCCAM convened an Independent Dialogue curated by the Desertification Research Centre at the University of Sassari, under the auspices of the UN Food Systems Summit and within the context of the EU H2020 EWA-BELT Project.
The Dialogue was titled “The Role of Sustainable Intensification for Achieving Food Security in Sub- Saharan Africa”. It discussed with representatives of Research and Academia, Civil Society and Farmers from Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa the challenges and ways in which farmers can increase production of crops per unit of land, conserve or enhance important ecosystem services, improve resilience to shocks and stresses, while fostering livelihoods, equity and social capital to ensure a food security system for all. The results of the Dialogue have been transmitted to the UN Food Systems Summit, held at the UN Headquarters in September 2021, in order to influence and steer its agenda.
The Dialogue was titled “The Role of Sustainable Intensification for Achieving Food Security in Sub- Saharan Africa”. It discussed with representatives of Research and Academia, Civil Society and Farmers from Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa the challenges and ways in which farmers can increase production of crops per unit of land, conserve or enhance important ecosystem services, improve resilience to shocks and stresses, while fostering livelihoods, equity and social capital to ensure a food security system for all. The results of the Dialogue have been transmitted to the UN Food Systems Summit, held at the UN Headquarters in September 2021, in order to influence and steer its agenda.

XXIII Euromediterranean Conference – 10 September 2021
OCCAM and UNESCO’s International Council for Film, Television and Audiovisual Communication (CICT-ICFT) organised the XXIII Euromediterranean Conference on Cinema at the 78th Venice International Film Festival. The event, titled “Expanded Cinema from Screens to Platforms in the Age of Covid”, aimed at assessing conditions and perspectives for collaboration and active cooperation between the lands of film communication and those of digital communication, between cinemas and platforms.
Over the past ten years, new and powerful technologies allowed for everyone to produce and share their movies all over the world, in what has become the social media standard. At the same time, Covid-19 relegated people in their homes, increasing the number of watched hours of fiction and series within domestic walls with a tremendous selection by streaming platforms. Starting from the undisputable fact that this cooperation is already in place at the productive level, it is reasonable to state that relations can be developed on a supply- and business-level, without losing anything in technological, economic and financial terms, but rather increasing these elements and integrating them through fundamental values such as social aggregation and cultural pluralism.
Over the past ten years, new and powerful technologies allowed for everyone to produce and share their movies all over the world, in what has become the social media standard. At the same time, Covid-19 relegated people in their homes, increasing the number of watched hours of fiction and series within domestic walls with a tremendous selection by streaming platforms. Starting from the undisputable fact that this cooperation is already in place at the productive level, it is reasonable to state that relations can be developed on a supply- and business-level, without losing anything in technological, economic and financial terms, but rather increasing these elements and integrating them through fundamental values such as social aggregation and cultural pluralism.
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