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Peter Psaras chaired the Fifth Session of the 23rd Infopoverty World Conference

PETER PSARAS, Founder Chios Capital, Chief Strategy Officer & Managing Director Global Futures Group LLC, Advisory Council International Science Reserve ISR, New York Academy of Sciences NYAS, opened the Fifth Session of the 23rd Infopoverty World Conference, focused on using Balanced Human and Artificial Intelligence Strategies to bridge the existing gaps: education, gender equality, and poverty eradication to guarantee human rights.


The pursuit of human rights includes ensuring that all individuals have access to education, gender equality, and opportunities to escape poverty. Bridging these existing gaps requires a comprehensive strategy that leverages both human expertise and artificial intelligence (AI). A balanced human and AI approach can accelerate progress and maximize the impact of efforts to guarantee these human rights. This panel will explore how this integrated strategy can address education, gender equality, and poverty eradication while upholding human rights.

1.  Improving Access to Quality Education
Access to quality education is a fundamental human right that serves as the foundation for a just and equitable society. AI can play a transformative role in education by providing personalized learning experiences and identifying gaps in student understanding. By leveraging AI, educators can tailor instruction to individual needs, enabling students to learn at their own pace and in their preferred learning style.
Human expertise is essential in developing curricula that are culturally relevant and contextually appropriate. Educators must also ensure that AI tools promote inclusion and diversity. A balanced strategy that combines AI with human-led teaching can create equitable learning opportunities for students of all backgrounds.
AI can also assist in identifying underserved areas or marginalized communities where educational resources are lacking. By analyzing data from various sources, such as enrollment rates and academic performance, AI can help target interventions and direct resources where they are most needed. This approach can bridge educational gaps and provide opportunities for those who have been historically left behind.

2. Promoting Gender Equality
Achieving gender equality is a crucial human rights goal that requires addressing systemic biases and discrimination. AI can be employed to identify and mitigate gender biases in various sectors, such as hiring practices, pay equity, and access to healthcare. For example, AI-driven recruitment platforms can help remove gender-based biases by focusing on qualifications and skills rather than demographic characteristics.
Human oversight is critical to ensure that AI systems are transparent and accountable, particularly when making decisions that impact individuals' lives. Human experts can evaluate AI models for biases and ensure that they align with ethical standards and human rights principles.
AI can also support initiatives to empower women and girls through targeted interventions, such as providing access to education, healthcare, and financial services. By analyzing data on gender disparities, AI can help policymakers and advocates design effective programs to promote gender equality and women's empowerment.

3. Eradicating Poverty
Poverty eradication is a key component of guaranteeing human rights, as it is closely linked to access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities. AI can aid in poverty eradication efforts by analyzing data to identify areas of need and track the effectiveness of poverty reduction programs.
For instance, AI can be used to predict and respond to food insecurity by analyzing weather patterns, crop yields, and market prices. This information can help direct resources to areas at risk of hunger and malnutrition. Similarly, AI can identify regions with high unemployment rates and recommend targeted interventions to boost economic opportunities.
Human expertise is vital in designing and implementing poverty eradication programs that are culturally sensitive and responsive to local needs. By combining AI insights with human knowledge and experience, initiatives can be more effective and sustainable.

4. Ensuring Responsible AI Use
While AI offers numerous opportunities to bridge gaps in education, gender equality, and poverty eradication, it is important to use AI responsibly to avoid exacerbating existing inequalities. Human oversight is crucial to ensure that AI systems are transparent, accountable, and free from biases that could harm marginalized groups.
Ethical AI development requires collaboration between AI experts, human rights advocates, and affected communities to establish guidelines and standards for responsible AI use. This collaboration can help build trust and ensure that AI systems respect human rights and promote social justice.

A balanced human and AI strategy is essential for bridging existing gaps in education, gender equality, and poverty eradication to guarantee human rights. By leveraging AI's capabilities alongside human expertise and ethical oversight, we can develop innovative solutions that promote equity and inclusion. This integrated approach can accelerate progress toward a more just and equitable world, ensuring that all individuals have the opportunity to exercise their human rights and thrive.”


The FINAL DECLARATION of the 23rd Infopoverty World Conference is now available! The Plan of Action including a list of projects and proposals that emerged from the discussion will be available soon. STAY TUNED!

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